This cake has simple ingredients, but it is a very difficult cake to make. Especially if the recipe is not precise or tested well, it will turn out flat or quickly deflate.
In Italy, this cake is called Pan di Spagna. No one can resist this cake. It is just a base cake used to make cakes with cream, elaborate decorations, or various fancy creams.
Because it is just a base cake, in Italy, it is easy to buy a Pan di Spagna in supermarkets. Some boring brands are no different from dry ladyfinger biscuits (Savoiardi in Italian - and these biscuits are also a type of base for other elaborated cakes, not meant to be eaten alone).
I have tried many recipes, and I get frustrated with recipes that include butter because they are difficult to make. Later, when I studied cooking and worked in a bakery, I understood it should only be a base cake without random butter additions.
This is a recipe that I am extremely satisfied with, and I recommend that everyone follow each step accurately, read the recipe carefully first, and then follow each step without skipping or improvising anything! Banh-kem-dau-tuoi---strawberry-cake---torta-fragole-panna-(1).jpg658 KB
Nguyên liệu
5 eggs at room temperature
150 grams of caster sugar
75 grams of all-purpose flour
75 grams of potato starch
1 pinch of vanilla extract
Electric mixer
Hand whisk to fold the batter. If you don't have one, you can use a spatula or your hands, but avoid using a spoon or anything else to fold.
Cake mold, butter, and non-stick flour for the mold.
The mixing bowl and equipments must be clean.
Cách làm
Put the eggs and sugar into a mixing bowl, beat for exactly 15 minutes, not less. Start at a low speed and gradually increase to high speed.
Sift the all-purpose flour + potato starch (potato flour) + vanilla powder if using powdered form, to ensure a smooth texture.
Divide the flour mixture into 5 portions. Slowly sift one portion at a time into the egg mixture. After sifting one portion, use a whisk, spatula, or your open hand with fingers spread wide to fold the flour from the top to the bottom of the bowl in a circular motion until the flour is incorporated into the eggs. Repeat this process for all 5 portions of flour. Be gentle and mix evenly to avoid trapping air bubbles, which could cause the cake to collapse or deflate. Occasionally rotate the bowl while folding. If someone can help by sifting and folding at the same time, that would be great.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius
Pour the batter into a cake mold. Bake for 30-40 minutes. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN FREQUENTLY, ESPECIALLY IN THE FIRST 15 MINUTES. After 30 minutes, quickly insert a toothpick into the cake. If it comes out dry, the cake is done. If it comes out moist, immediately close the oven and continue baking. Remember, the more you open the oven, the more likely the cake will deflate.
Once the cake is baked, remove it from the oven and invert it (upside down) as shown in the collected image below. If left to cool in a normal position, the cake will easily deflate. For sponge cakes like Genoise, a slightly sunken and wrinkled surface is acceptable. If the cake sinks more than about 1 cm compared to the edges, it is considered unsuccessful.
After the cake has completely cooled, use a knife to run along the sides of the mold to release the cake.
This is an example of how I use the Pan di Spagna base to make a fresh strawberry cream cake, inspired by the Italian dessert "fragole con panna" in the spring.
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I slice the cake into 2 layers. Brush the bottom layer with strawberry syrup to make it moist and smooth.
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